We have a largish ditch between us and a neighbour and are considering building a haha in it. The ditch has standing water in it for much of the year, and the haha wall will have earth piled against one side of it and nothing against the other. So, does anybody have any suggestions please as to the size and type of foundations that will be required, and also the type of construction to use for the wall? For example, should the wall actually be vertical, or should it lean towards the earth side to help resist the weight on that side? Are some form of buttresses required? Do we need to somehow tie the wall back into the earth behind it to keep it upright?
The wall will need to be about 4 feet tall, and doesn't actually matter too much what it looks like from my side (the ditch side) as that will be hidden behind trees and undergrowth. We have considered steel sheet piling, but it looks like the size of machinery required to put it in could be a problem.
I have tried to Google for info on this, and also searching on this forum, but unfortunately the word haha brings back far more dodgy humour than sunken walls!
Thank you.
The wall will need to be about 4 feet tall, and doesn't actually matter too much what it looks like from my side (the ditch side) as that will be hidden behind trees and undergrowth. We have considered steel sheet piling, but it looks like the size of machinery required to put it in could be a problem.
I have tried to Google for info on this, and also searching on this forum, but unfortunately the word haha brings back far more dodgy humour than sunken walls!
Thank you.