The first floor level of my late 19th century property has its floor joists set straight into the solid 9 inch brickwork wall i.e. 4x2 timber joists sitting in 6x2 holes in the brickwork to a depth of about 2 inches. The 6 inch height of the holes means you can see the top face of the 4 inch joists sitting in the wall and a number of these joists whilst perfectly sound along their length have rotted in the holes. I propose acro propping the joists from below, cutting out the rot and a bit more, say 1ft or so and joining in new sections of joist. Can anybody suggest the best way of joining the old and the new joists end to end? Are there purpose made metal plates that can hold the joists together with those large screw bolts? I don’t want to fix new joists along side the old as I want to align the new timber with the existing brickwork holes. One other problem, the ground floor lath plaster ceiling is fixed to the underside of these joists. I guess I'll have to loose a bit of this where the joists get cut out?