As you may be aware from previous postings, I have been lifting the floorboards in the 1st floor balconies of my early 19th C Baptist chapel to clear out the floor void and check the timbers. At some point in the distant future, I will eventually get round to the final interior decoration and I was wondering what I should do with the floor boards to clean, protect and beautify them.
These floor boards are 190 year old pine (installed 1817) and it would appear that they have never been covered, coated or treated in their entire life. The upper surface is effectively grey in colour, a mixture of age dirt and grime whilst the underside is a kind of orange antique pine colour. On lifting the boards, I’ve been able to scrape off about 2mm thick of congealed dust from the side edge of each board i.e. where years of dirt had fallen between the joins. I certainly don’t want to strip them to reveal the bright orange colour that is evident on their underside and needless to say it would be extremely difficult to manipulate a stripping machine in the restricted space of box pews and benches where you can barely manipulate a small Henry vacuum cleaner.
When all the decorating is done, I was considering just running over them with a squeezed out mop of warm water and ordinary kitchen floor cleaner (the type you dilute), letting it dry and then applying a sealer. On the other hand I’ve heard that you should keep old floor boards well away from water and what colour would they become with a sealer?
The problem is that in their current condition, apart from already being very dirty, they are a magnet for dirt, dust and grime and a sponge for any spilt liquids. Any suggestions on the best way forward would be appreciated
These floor boards are 190 year old pine (installed 1817) and it would appear that they have never been covered, coated or treated in their entire life. The upper surface is effectively grey in colour, a mixture of age dirt and grime whilst the underside is a kind of orange antique pine colour. On lifting the boards, I’ve been able to scrape off about 2mm thick of congealed dust from the side edge of each board i.e. where years of dirt had fallen between the joins. I certainly don’t want to strip them to reveal the bright orange colour that is evident on their underside and needless to say it would be extremely difficult to manipulate a stripping machine in the restricted space of box pews and benches where you can barely manipulate a small Henry vacuum cleaner.
When all the decorating is done, I was considering just running over them with a squeezed out mop of warm water and ordinary kitchen floor cleaner (the type you dilute), letting it dry and then applying a sealer. On the other hand I’ve heard that you should keep old floor boards well away from water and what colour would they become with a sealer?
The problem is that in their current condition, apart from already being very dirty, they are a magnet for dirt, dust and grime and a sponge for any spilt liquids. Any suggestions on the best way forward would be appreciated