My local council have submitted a planning application to remove a Horse Chestnut tree that stands in front of my property. We have been told that the tree is rotting inside and has come to the end of it's natural life and if left it will become increasingly dangerous. The tree must be about 150 years old growing in a light good draining soil, not clay,and is about 25 feet away from my front door. The property is stone built, 300 years old and thatched. While we will be sorry to see the tree go we understand the councils point of view. My main concern now is what effect the removal may have on the cottage paticularly" Heave" and at time of removal the hazards caused by dust and splinters etc. If anyone has any experience of this kind can l have your views before writting to the council.If Heave does occur l am insured but have to pay the first £1000 should l inform my insurers now before the tree is removed?