This may be of interest to only a few of you (mainly those already involved in historic building work on a professional basis), but if you may be involved in any aspect of the incoming Home Inspector issues please read on.
The problem of competence with regard to the inspection of historic buildings has been recognised. The basic training of an HI will not render them competent to inspect historic buildings.
On the 20th April a conference/workshop will take place at Hatfield House to consider these matters.
An organisation called The Partnership Limited has put on this event and is bringin together major players in the provision of HIs, etc. The ODPM will be represented at the event and yours truly is chairing it.
The intention is to come away with an agreement on how this matter may be tackled and some practical suggestions on how to deal with this competency issue.
Look at the link below if you may be interested. You can find my Email on the Seeking Specialists section fo this site (look up WCP) and if you Email me I will send you a pdf flyer. The day does cost (£175 + VAT), but does include a tour of Hatfield House and a 3-course lunch. For many professional conferences these days that is not a bad price and it will count towards professional CPD.
Let me know if this is of interest to any of you.
The problem of competence with regard to the inspection of historic buildings has been recognised. The basic training of an HI will not render them competent to inspect historic buildings.
On the 20th April a conference/workshop will take place at Hatfield House to consider these matters.
An organisation called The Partnership Limited has put on this event and is bringin together major players in the provision of HIs, etc. The ODPM will be represented at the event and yours truly is chairing it.
The intention is to come away with an agreement on how this matter may be tackled and some practical suggestions on how to deal with this competency issue.
Look at the link below if you may be interested. You can find my Email on the Seeking Specialists section fo this site (look up WCP) and if you Email me I will send you a pdf flyer. The day does cost (£175 + VAT), but does include a tour of Hatfield House and a 3-course lunch. For many professional conferences these days that is not a bad price and it will count towards professional CPD.
Let me know if this is of interest to any of you.