S skier-hughes Member Messages 3,414 Location Staffs, UK Apr 22, 2013 #1 http://www.hlf.org.uk/news/Pages/Lotteryfundingtostimulatelocaleconomiesbyunlockingunusedheritage.aspx#.UXVbQUpXowc
N Nigel Watts Member Messages 1,779 Location London N7 Apr 22, 2013 #2 Alexandra Palace, where I work, is one of the largest structures in the UK on the buildings at risk register. We put in for an HLF grant recently and should here in the next few weeks if we have been successful.
Alexandra Palace, where I work, is one of the largest structures in the UK on the buildings at risk register. We put in for an HLF grant recently and should here in the next few weeks if we have been successful.