I posted a few days ago about the 17c cottage i've put an offer on. Thankyou all for your replies <IMG SRC="http://www.periodproperty.co.uk/discussing/smileys/smile.gif" BORDER=0 ALT="
"> Now we're in a bit of a pickle. How long have you got....
We're a young couple, with 3 motorbikes between us so we need a garage. We dont want kids, so an occasional second bedroom / study would be ideal. This property we've bid on has the garage, but the second 'bedroom' is a loft conversion which is accessed via a spiral staircase from the master bedroom. Now i think this is cute, and the view from up there is stunning - but 40 other people have viewed the house and turned it down for this reason. So, we offered them 10k less than asking price as we figure its gonna be hard to sell. They've kept us waiting now for 2 weeks as they cant decide whether to accept. Now they have a builder wanting to buy their back garden and build houses and they're considering taking his offer!!! We gave them 48 hrs from Monday to decide as we'll lose the buyer of our house soon if we dont have a decision - their time was up this morning and i still have no answer <IMG SRC="http://www.periodproperty.co.uk/discussing/smileys/frown.gif" BORDER=0 ALT="
"> Should we walk away?

We're a young couple, with 3 motorbikes between us so we need a garage. We dont want kids, so an occasional second bedroom / study would be ideal. This property we've bid on has the garage, but the second 'bedroom' is a loft conversion which is accessed via a spiral staircase from the master bedroom. Now i think this is cute, and the view from up there is stunning - but 40 other people have viewed the house and turned it down for this reason. So, we offered them 10k less than asking price as we figure its gonna be hard to sell. They've kept us waiting now for 2 weeks as they cant decide whether to accept. Now they have a builder wanting to buy their back garden and build houses and they're considering taking his offer!!! We gave them 48 hrs from Monday to decide as we'll lose the buyer of our house soon if we dont have a decision - their time was up this morning and i still have no answer <IMG SRC="http://www.periodproperty.co.uk/discussing/smileys/frown.gif" BORDER=0 ALT="