Hi All,
Since making an offer on a period property I have been lurking here and soaking in as much as I can. Now 9 months latter the house is finally ours so I thought I should introduce the house.
It is at least two, probably three cottages as well as an outbuilding all joined together into one large six bedroom property.
She is Grade 2 listed, parts from c.17 (and I suspect some older, but more research needed), made from the local Rutland "iron stone" with one Collyweston slate roof, another welsh slate and a modern one. Just about every sort of window going from sashes, casements, leaded and even a couple of modern veluxes sneaked in. Three "working" open fire places, including one raised plinth with andirons. There is even an open well inside one of the back rooms (with water about 4 foot below floor level).
Its fairly sound but not a lot of up keep by the last one lady owner (really!) so a long list of medium size projects but thankfully nothing major or structural. I predict many happy hours (or more likely years) of work to come and I look forward to sharing it with you.
Here is what she looks like:
Since making an offer on a period property I have been lurking here and soaking in as much as I can. Now 9 months latter the house is finally ours so I thought I should introduce the house.
It is at least two, probably three cottages as well as an outbuilding all joined together into one large six bedroom property.
She is Grade 2 listed, parts from c.17 (and I suspect some older, but more research needed), made from the local Rutland "iron stone" with one Collyweston slate roof, another welsh slate and a modern one. Just about every sort of window going from sashes, casements, leaded and even a couple of modern veluxes sneaked in. Three "working" open fire places, including one raised plinth with andirons. There is even an open well inside one of the back rooms (with water about 4 foot below floor level).
Its fairly sound but not a lot of up keep by the last one lady owner (really!) so a long list of medium size projects but thankfully nothing major or structural. I predict many happy hours (or more likely years) of work to come and I look forward to sharing it with you.
Here is what she looks like:
