Good evening wise comrades-in-arms. After a few weeks doing filial duties and trying to survive the winter in my paid job in A+E, the house has taken a seat so far back it’s been out of the car. However, I do now have a splendid new lead roof on the porch and over the parapets-a big, expensive step forward! I have a week of leave now and the house is very much back on the top of the agenda
And of course I’ve been lurking around catching up on everyone else’s dilemmas!
Over a few restless nights, I’ve been examining my bedroom ceiling, and have given it a bit of a poke. There are the usual few cracks that don’t bother me, but there’s one area corralled on all sides by cracks that moves somewhat (about 1/2 inch) when prodded. I think it needs repair. Obviously I want to do this a) myself b) cheaply and c) without causing more harm than a metre square of lime plaster ceiling would do to my head if it fell on me in the night. Screws? Washers? Glue? I don’t want to have to skim the ceiling if it can be avoided! As always, I’m very grateful for any advice!

Over a few restless nights, I’ve been examining my bedroom ceiling, and have given it a bit of a poke. There are the usual few cracks that don’t bother me, but there’s one area corralled on all sides by cracks that moves somewhat (about 1/2 inch) when prodded. I think it needs repair. Obviously I want to do this a) myself b) cheaply and c) without causing more harm than a metre square of lime plaster ceiling would do to my head if it fell on me in the night. Screws? Washers? Glue? I don’t want to have to skim the ceiling if it can be avoided! As always, I’m very grateful for any advice!