In response to my grump about overflowing gutters, 88V8 very kindly suggested one of these hedgehog gutter brushes, but as we all know, helpful advice isn't allowed on the grumps thread, so I've started this new one
I'd never heard of them before so I've Googled a bit and looked at these overwhelmingly good reviews as well. But, I still can't convince myself that they will really work, so I wondered if anyone on PPUK had tried them please?
The main problem I have is with moss on a north-facing pantile roof, where the moss dies in hot weather and then washes off in large lumps when it rains. Surely the sheets of moss will just sit on top of the brush, and then the water will cascade over it or behind it and down the soffits and walls?
Or, should I just stop being grumpy and accept that this is a very clever invention and that it will work perfectly?
I'd never heard of them before so I've Googled a bit and looked at these overwhelmingly good reviews as well. But, I still can't convince myself that they will really work, so I wondered if anyone on PPUK had tried them please?
The main problem I have is with moss on a north-facing pantile roof, where the moss dies in hot weather and then washes off in large lumps when it rains. Surely the sheets of moss will just sit on top of the brush, and then the water will cascade over it or behind it and down the soffits and walls?
Or, should I just stop being grumpy and accept that this is a very clever invention and that it will work perfectly?