There are a few threads on the go about heating so rather than hijack them, I'll pose my problem here. We have a huge attic bedroom. It has a large fully functional radiator, carpet and secondary glazing on the windows but it is FREEZING. I've put some of that reflector foil behind the radiator (makes no discernible difference...) and we need to insulate the loft hatch and plug a few gaps under the skirting boards. I think probably the previous owner who renovated it didn't put sufficient insulation in but obviously now it's beautifully plastered, we can't change that. The dormer windows are a bit small for curtains but I guess thick lined curtains is another option.
Any other suggestions? (we've resorted to using a fan heater for extra warmth but I'm conscious of electricity usage and costs).
Any other suggestions? (we've resorted to using a fan heater for extra warmth but I'm conscious of electricity usage and costs).