we are going to havee a multifuel stove fitted to an existing chimney in our front room and have been checking out prices for lining our chimney. the property is just over 100 years old and had a wood burner insatalled previously but the chimney had no liner. the company we have spoken to have said to line the chimney alone will cost nearly a grand. This is lining the chimney and then filling around the gaps with foam stuff, the name escapes me. I wonder whether this is too much? I was under the impression that you could line the chimney with just a flexible flue liner without any need for filling. I have seen some liners with rockwoool insulation around them. am i bein ripped off or being charged for a job which need not be that complex.
we are going to havee a multifuel stove fitted to an existing chimney in our front room and have been checking out prices for lining our chimney. the property is just over 100 years old and had a wood burner insatalled previously but the chimney had no liner. the company we have spoken to have said to line the chimney alone will cost nearly a grand. This is lining the chimney and then filling around the gaps with foam stuff, the name escapes me. I wonder whether this is too much? I was under the impression that you could line the chimney with just a flexible flue liner without any need for filling. I have seen some liners with rockwoool insulation around them. am i bein ripped off or being charged for a job which need not be that complex.