I have an attached building of random stone construction, which is listed.
It has had planning permission in the past to incorporate it into the main house. The present floor is little more than dirt and dust with clay beneath.
Looking at the approved drawings organised by the previous owner, there is a large amount of excavation of the floor proposed in order to get depth. It is then built up and a concrete slab laid.
There is so much excavation proposed for the floor that the annotated drawings identify further excavation under the main walls to effectively insert new footings. However there is absolutely no problem with the main walls.
It seems a bit barmy to start compromising the integrity of the main walls for the sake of a concrete floor.
The current floor level is about the same as the main house and there are no real damp issues that a damp proof membrane could not remedy within a new floor construction.
What floor construction options might be possible that would involve considerably less excavation than a typical concrete floor ?
I have no preferences in terms of a floor finish, so any suggested solution or system would be a consideration. Cheers.
It has had planning permission in the past to incorporate it into the main house. The present floor is little more than dirt and dust with clay beneath.
Looking at the approved drawings organised by the previous owner, there is a large amount of excavation of the floor proposed in order to get depth. It is then built up and a concrete slab laid.
There is so much excavation proposed for the floor that the annotated drawings identify further excavation under the main walls to effectively insert new footings. However there is absolutely no problem with the main walls.
It seems a bit barmy to start compromising the integrity of the main walls for the sake of a concrete floor.
The current floor level is about the same as the main house and there are no real damp issues that a damp proof membrane could not remedy within a new floor construction.
What floor construction options might be possible that would involve considerably less excavation than a typical concrete floor ?
I have no preferences in terms of a floor finish, so any suggested solution or system would be a consideration. Cheers.