during the purchase of our property there was some confusion about the listing of it, it seemed that the listing held at the council office described a house that was different to ours along the same road, as we have been applying for permission for works the C O visited and whilst here said she could not find any details of the listing of our house, she was going to check again before a site visit next week (with architect), to be honest it makes little difference to us as we intend to restore sympathectically anyway, and she was more than happy with our ideas for the internal changes, but obviously it would make things a little easier. How would i go about researching the property myself to find out, also what would be the process involved if they decided to list it now?
Something else that was odd was our neighbours were telling us that our house was listed whilst the owners were on holiday could this happen or would this indicate that it is the wrong house that has been served with the notice. Would there not be a consultation with the owners at the time?
Something else that was odd was our neighbours were telling us that our house was listed whilst the owners were on holiday could this happen or would this indicate that it is the wrong house that has been served with the notice. Would there not be a consultation with the owners at the time?