Wimbourne White, or Pointing, in exterior eggshell, would probably suit your requirements. Strong White or Great White are also suitable - they have no yellowy cream about them but look slightly more aged.
(do feel free to revert your original thread to the topic in hand if you feel it's wandered off, rather than starting a new thread)
I tried to paint my windows with F&B paint, and it failed within a year. This was despite meticulous preparation and care taken with the painting.
The paint peeled off in places, particularly from the putty.
I gave it another go with the same results, but should not have bothered. I now use linseed based paints, either Aglaia or Holkham and have had much better results.
The only problem I've had with paint failure is when I used paint strippers to strip back to bare wood - this has given me no end of problems on one window that I repaired, despite my attempts to neutralise the paint stripper. In the end I decided to leave the bare patches of wood to weather over winter and will try again with linseed paint this year.
How interesting - don't know if you read the other thread Ian. http://www.periodproperty.co.uk/forum/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=11169
Personally I haven't had any problems with FnB exterior eggshell. I always use 3 coats of it, and if the wood is bare, prime with Dulux Primer/Undercoat. However, in light of the recent scare over what we will be allowed to replace our Victorian windows with, when the time comes for replacement, I'm beginning to think the linseed paints may be worth all the extra effort if they will help the windows to last a bit longer.
Thanks folks thats useful. I have used F & B in Pointing before but that is a definite cream and not white. Think I'll get testers of the whites u suggested tho and then decide.
My gates are being painted this week with F&B exterior eggshell as we (my builder and I) couldn't find anything else suitable, despite our worries about longevity. Builder has gone from being Very Anti linseed to thinking it might be worth a go as he has heard that the eco stuff is not so durable too. Will tell him you used 3 coats, Joce, the supplier recommended only one, which the painter has already quibbled about!
Meanwhile the colour has been agreed by the CO and neither of us could face further delay while we go for a change. An alternative in the 'right' shade was impossible apparently.
I hope I am not back here in a year or two looking for an alternative!