Anyone had any experience of these?
I'm looking for something to replace storage heaters in a cottage with no mains gas and no space for an oil tank.
Its only cheaper because it uses less electricity and hence produces less heat. All electrical heaters are close to being 100% efficient (I can't think off the top of my head why they are not exactly 100% efficient).
Not that I like night storage heaters though....
If electric heating is your only sensible solution then go for it but don't fall for any marketing hype. All 3kW (max on 13A plug) electric fires produce exactly the same amount of heat and all cost exactly the same to run. This includes night storage though of course you use them to store the heat generated overnight with cheap elec for output the next morning (never known them to output during the evening when you want it)
How about bottled gas as an option? Not cheap but may compare with electricity. The large upright bottles don't take up too much room and a couple would last a month or so over winter. Just a thought.
Ask for a demonstration as they suggest, we now have the appropriate weather for it.
This one pence per hour thing should just about keep the neon indicator light on, you can certainly set the thermostat , possibly, to consume one pence per hour but all you get is one p worth of elecrtic heat.
You will freeze.
Indeed, I now find through google that they have actually been had up by the advertising authority for dodgy claims in their ads. Best left alone I feel.
As MdB says, electric heating is close to 100% efficient. It therefore follows that a heater costing 1p per hour will be giving you one seventh of the heat produced by a heater costing 7p per hour.
If there's a storage mass in the heater, then the output may be spread over a longer time (thus reducing the heating effect at any given moment), but your 1p will still only produce the same amount of heat.
It's all been said - the product is an electric panel heater and will be no more or less efficient than any other panel heater.
Depends on your budget but have you considered an electric heat pump. A simple air source unit would be very efficient and would give you good heat. A ground source unit would run a water based radiator system if you prefer that.
Just bear in mind air source has inadequate performance at low exterior temps due to ice formation and defrost cycling. But it is a cost effective way of providing heat during the less severe periods.