Recently bought a thatched cottage. It has a current electrical certificate, 10 year validity, valid until 2022. There is an observation on the certificate about cabling in the loft. This was before the days when the cat 1, 2 & 3 was introduced. My insurer is ok with this, but I want to improve the situation anyway.
There is a lot of cabling in the loft, serving lights and a shower, all covered by the certificate (RCD or ELCB protected). Yes, there has been or is, rodents up there.
So, can anyone advise ?: Obviously any work I do myself is going to have to be certified. Would it be acceptable for me to use plastic trunking, installed myself, or would an electrician require something more sophisticated, say bonded metal trunking, in order to grant a certificate ? I am also looking at boarding out the loft, to avoid straw contacting cables.
Many thanks
Recently bought a thatched cottage. It has a current electrical certificate, 10 year validity, valid until 2022. There is an observation on the certificate about cabling in the loft. This was before the days when the cat 1, 2 & 3 was introduced. My insurer is ok with this, but I want to improve the situation anyway.
There is a lot of cabling in the loft, serving lights and a shower, all covered by the certificate (RCD or ELCB protected). Yes, there has been or is, rodents up there.
So, can anyone advise ?: Obviously any work I do myself is going to have to be certified. Would it be acceptable for me to use plastic trunking, installed myself, or would an electrician require something more sophisticated, say bonded metal trunking, in order to grant a certificate ? I am also looking at boarding out the loft, to avoid straw contacting cables.
Many thanks