As I understood it, very little of any importance was to be demolished (the city end of Edge Lane incorporates a conservation area where there are a number of Georgian properties, all of which are staying).
There are whole swathes of perfectly habitable red brick terraces going though.
It depends on what you think is important really. Many whose homes and communities are being bulldozed with little to recompense them think that's important.
Many of us think that the whole Pathfinders and other demolitions are something which was started on a wrong premise and pushed forward by Prescott without a great deal of understanding of the problems which would ensue.
Still, many are making money from it so who cares about places such as Darwen, and indeed Edge Lane?
Those redbrick terraces are more than habitable - in my opinion they are georgous. they are not just the plain one-up one-downs but large victorian town houses. They may not be architecturally important but they are important to the character of the area and of the city. The council are destroying the heritage of liverpool to replace it with new little boxes, preventing economic regeration and creating new slums. It makes me so cross even thinking about it. I best go back to work before i launch into a full rant.
Yes, me too. I've been involved behind the scenes with a great deal to do with fighting Pathfinder in numerous small ways and with the people whose homes are being removed from them with inadequate recompense (and the demolition of many houses which are eminently capable of refurbishment) and it makes my blood boil.
We lived for a while in Wavertree (my son was born in Liverpool) and I have some happy memories of the area
We were originally in a flat beside Sefton park - the beautiful Palm House - it broke my heart when I took my son to see it and saw the wreck it had become after only 9 years, even done up it won't ever be the same again.
I loved walking the dog around the Mystery with baby in pushchair too.
The houses on the edge of Wavertree, one bus stop away from Toxteth, were perfectly OK - well the ceiling over the front door fell down one night but that was weakened with ex woodworm holes.
The backs of the houses were sometimes a bit dubious - the brick was poor quality, unlike the front facades, and the back lanes were only single human width passages so the Bin men couldn't drive down and the lanes got quite squalid in places. (pre wheelie bin era)
The riots in circa1980 when I sat in Newcastle and watched the cheap furniture place where we got a little table and the drive through Bank go up in flames was awful.
But there's nothing in the area that couldn't be upgraded and sorted without knocking the whole lot down.