I thought we'd resolved our front door woes last year when a carpenter repaired the door with a new section of wood at the bottom. Well, the problem was resolved as the rain no longer pours in under the door but now we have a new problem. The wood is cracking/splitting everywhere - at first I thought it was the paint but it's the actual wood as I can see daylight through some of them. The door looked in quite good nick before I painted it last year! Can these splits be repaired and if so, what's the best method or should we just give in and buy a new door (which'll be expensive and difficult to fit as we need to work with the existing door frame as the top bit has been boxed and plastered in on the inside). We do need a secure door as we're straight on the pavement and passers by occasionally kick or bang on the door as their evening entertainment and I'm worried that one of these days, it'll just fall apart (if all the cracks and splits join up!)