We've just taken possession of our house - a 1860s brick farmhouse which has a boarded-up fireplace in the main room. I was expecting to find a nice fireplace to house a woodburner - but yesterday discovered a totally intact original iron kitchen range.
Everything seems to be there and it looks like it was left in working order. It is about 4 feet wide and was made by "Metal Agencies Co, Bristol". But what the heck should I do with it?... I need additional heating in the room - so I guess I could renovate the range and fire it up - but I suspect it is coal fired and I really don't want the soot/mess. I'm assuming these things are not exactly easy to live with. There again, it would be a lovely 'feature' and although we've got a seperate kitchen it might come in handy if energy costs escalate further!
I'm leaning towards pulling it out and replacing with a modern woodburner... and hope that the thing would come out without too much trouble and leave me with something that might resemble a fireplace.
Anyone got an opinion on what I should do? Does anyone have one of their own? Can anyone advise me of the practicalities of living with one?
If I pulled it out I hope it might be valuable to someone - any idea how best to sell/value such an item?
Everything seems to be there and it looks like it was left in working order. It is about 4 feet wide and was made by "Metal Agencies Co, Bristol". But what the heck should I do with it?... I need additional heating in the room - so I guess I could renovate the range and fire it up - but I suspect it is coal fired and I really don't want the soot/mess. I'm assuming these things are not exactly easy to live with. There again, it would be a lovely 'feature' and although we've got a seperate kitchen it might come in handy if energy costs escalate further!
I'm leaning towards pulling it out and replacing with a modern woodburner... and hope that the thing would come out without too much trouble and leave me with something that might resemble a fireplace.
Anyone got an opinion on what I should do? Does anyone have one of their own? Can anyone advise me of the practicalities of living with one?
If I pulled it out I hope it might be valuable to someone - any idea how best to sell/value such an item?