After some procrastination I've finally got around to preparing the hallway of my 1870s house before decorating.
All surfaces that weren't walls and ceiling were gloss painted. That included the coving, the corbels and the beam that the corbels support. Lovely. It's coming off though, I used a wallpaper steam stripper (without the plate) to remove the gloss from the coving which seems to have worked. It exposed an older paint finish which seems very sound so I won't go further but just clean that up and paint over that, probably with distemper.
I'll probably go with a darker colour on the walls below the chair rail and a lighter colour above.
My question, though, is what to do with the beam and post that is at the end of the hallway, before the stairs. What is the usual approach with this part of a hallway? It's basically a boxed in post and ceiling joist: the faces are plaster (though the underside is probably just wood). I'm going to eggshell the woodwork; should I do the same with this to pick it out from the wall, or some other treatment?
Excuse the ropey appearance - it's work in progress!
Detail of the post and beam:
All surfaces that weren't walls and ceiling were gloss painted. That included the coving, the corbels and the beam that the corbels support. Lovely. It's coming off though, I used a wallpaper steam stripper (without the plate) to remove the gloss from the coving which seems to have worked. It exposed an older paint finish which seems very sound so I won't go further but just clean that up and paint over that, probably with distemper.
I'll probably go with a darker colour on the walls below the chair rail and a lighter colour above.
My question, though, is what to do with the beam and post that is at the end of the hallway, before the stairs. What is the usual approach with this part of a hallway? It's basically a boxed in post and ceiling joist: the faces are plaster (though the underside is probably just wood). I'm going to eggshell the woodwork; should I do the same with this to pick it out from the wall, or some other treatment?
Excuse the ropey appearance - it's work in progress!
Detail of the post and beam: