So, I've made some nice oak internal doors, replicating the original designs which had been removed and replaced with hardboard boxy rubbish.
I went to fit the first at the weekend, got it all trimmed up, then went to hang it. I bought some "gate" style hinges as the doors are pretty heavy, but every supplier I've found has been rubbish, the hinges from them have a lot of vertical play which gives me very little faith in the hinges not dropping and makes it bloody hard to hang the door properly.
So any recommendations for a hinge supplier that are actually made to a half decent tolerance?
I went to fit the first at the weekend, got it all trimmed up, then went to hang it. I bought some "gate" style hinges as the doors are pretty heavy, but every supplier I've found has been rubbish, the hinges from them have a lot of vertical play which gives me very little faith in the hinges not dropping and makes it bloody hard to hang the door properly.
So any recommendations for a hinge supplier that are actually made to a half decent tolerance?