- Messages
- 51
- Location
- Madeley Shropshire
Part of our house is sandstone and is probably 400 years old or more. Facing the road is a small window which seems to be fairly recent but underneath it there is what appears to be a blocked up door. The two sandstone blocks you can see in the photo are a slightly different colour and are not bonded with the rest of the stonework although the mortar seems identical.
If it was a door then that door would only have been 16 inches (or less) wide and its position nearly at the corner seems very odd. Has anyone any ideas what it could have been?
The whole house can be viewed on google street-view at the link below,-2.4474063,3a,75y,107.49h,86.78t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1skuN-rLhXg0O9-99v4CJctQ!2e0!7i13312!8i6656
If it was a door then that door would only have been 16 inches (or less) wide and its position nearly at the corner seems very odd. Has anyone any ideas what it could have been?
The whole house can be viewed on google street-view at the link below,-2.4474063,3a,75y,107.49h,86.78t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1skuN-rLhXg0O9-99v4CJctQ!2e0!7i13312!8i6656