first post - be gentle
I have an old watermill in Somerset, which has been considerably mucked about with - the top storey was removed in 1910, and new floors put in at new heights - along with new windows (as in new holes, not new glass)
The windows that are still here (as opposed to replaced with 1980's bad double glazing) are leaded 4 x 4 or 3 x 4 rectangular, with black iron, slightly crude, locks.
The reveals are quite deep and some are angled out.
As is the custom round here, it is painted black.
Being a watermill, it never would have had shutters originally, (or a chimney for that matter....) - but we want to sympathetically add some sort of insulation / draughtproofing.
What do the members on here think we should do? I was thinking 'crude' board and batten style shutters, as this would be in keeping with a lower status house (the millars house itself would have been higher status).
The building originates from either 1722 or 1840 depending on who you listen to. Sadly all the records have been lost, and there is little to date accurately (the wheel is 1870+ with no makers name for example).
first post - be gentle

I have an old watermill in Somerset, which has been considerably mucked about with - the top storey was removed in 1910, and new floors put in at new heights - along with new windows (as in new holes, not new glass)
The windows that are still here (as opposed to replaced with 1980's bad double glazing) are leaded 4 x 4 or 3 x 4 rectangular, with black iron, slightly crude, locks.
The reveals are quite deep and some are angled out.
As is the custom round here, it is painted black.
Being a watermill, it never would have had shutters originally, (or a chimney for that matter....) - but we want to sympathetically add some sort of insulation / draughtproofing.
What do the members on here think we should do? I was thinking 'crude' board and batten style shutters, as this would be in keeping with a lower status house (the millars house itself would have been higher status).
The building originates from either 1722 or 1840 depending on who you listen to. Sadly all the records have been lost, and there is little to date accurately (the wheel is 1870+ with no makers name for example).