I want to convert my large attic - there are stairs up to it, and a window in one gable end it is boarded out in the roughest oak boards you could imagine.
I want to insulate the roof - the house had felt and tiles about 40 years ago and this is in relatively good nick. I am aware that I should let some ventilation into the roof but want to expose the rafters as well - I therefore want to be able to insulate between the rafters and if possible tight up against the roof felt - is there a way to do this?
I am also unsure whether I need building regs to convert, insulate or call the attic "rooms".
Some of the cross beams are also a little low about head height - can I remove and move them higher I guess not but there must be some solution.
I want to insulate the roof - the house had felt and tiles about 40 years ago and this is in relatively good nick. I am aware that I should let some ventilation into the roof but want to expose the rafters as well - I therefore want to be able to insulate between the rafters and if possible tight up against the roof felt - is there a way to do this?
I am also unsure whether I need building regs to convert, insulate or call the attic "rooms".
Some of the cross beams are also a little low about head height - can I remove and move them higher I guess not but there must be some solution.