live in them?
Last summer i took Nev my neighbour out to finbows to pick up some bits and bobs. On the way he told me about the 5 pubs that the village once had and about the old boys who would go there after work for a pint and a pipe and to tell storys.He told me that most if not all of the old boys have since passed on and a lot of the old storys have passed on with them, this stuck with me.
Surely these storys should be documented for future generations to enjoy? The 'art' if thats what it is of story (or gossip) telling might have passed us by but if we dont document it it will be a very important part of our history that we are letting go of and it would be a shame to let these storys , jokes what ever die with the people who had them passed down from earlier generations and fade away into oblivion.
Are we letting one of the most important parts of local history die?
What do you think guys? Does your village or town have a history group? Should we be paying more attention to storys about the war etc etc? Should i stop drinking cider on a Thursday night?
Last summer i took Nev my neighbour out to finbows to pick up some bits and bobs. On the way he told me about the 5 pubs that the village once had and about the old boys who would go there after work for a pint and a pipe and to tell storys.He told me that most if not all of the old boys have since passed on and a lot of the old storys have passed on with them, this stuck with me.
Surely these storys should be documented for future generations to enjoy? The 'art' if thats what it is of story (or gossip) telling might have passed us by but if we dont document it it will be a very important part of our history that we are letting go of and it would be a shame to let these storys , jokes what ever die with the people who had them passed down from earlier generations and fade away into oblivion.
Are we letting one of the most important parts of local history die?
What do you think guys? Does your village or town have a history group? Should we be paying more attention to storys about the war etc etc? Should i stop drinking cider on a Thursday night?