Just had a pane replaced in a window and the glass has rather a lot of putty fingerprints on it (not just the replaced pane, but others as well). Any tips for best way to remove the putty?
credit card/stanley knife blade followed with a rag moisened with white spirit/turps sub,but a friend uses WD 40 (he uses it for everything! just like "wonderful snibbo!) phil.
You shouldn't really get more putty on the glass than that which can be rubbed off with a cloth
For getting glass really clean (like when preparing for stained glass work) I've got a bottle of quite expensive glass cleaner. It works slightly less well than vinegar
I found leaving it alone then finally cleaning the glass with meths several months later worked.
It wasn't intentional but the putty I wanted to hold the glass in had formed a skin so I wasn't damaging that at the same time as removing the fingerprints.
One of the times being lazy worked in my favour.