anyone have any tips for cleaning old oak ceiling joists, some have a brown varnish covering, others have white deposits and staining, friend has suggested blast cleaning, building 17th C. but not listed
Welcome to the forum Whitby.
Blast cleaning is not recommended. I haven't tried it myself, but those who have suggest it leaves the beams looking like driftwood. Are the white deposits limewash? if so, they will be almost chalky in texture, and will be stained with whatever came into contact with them in the last hundred years. Limewash will wash off with water; use a soft scrubbing brush to get into any crevices.
How easily the varnish will come off depends on the surface texture of the wood. I'll leave it to others on this forum more expert to suggest ways of removing it without damaging the timber.
Many thanks for the responses, I will try the kling strip on the varnish, the white does appear to be lime so I will give the hot water and scrubbing brush a try.