Just lifted the carpet in one of the studies, with the intention of waxing the floor and using a rug.
The boards appear to be covered in a mixture of plaster (looks like pink gypsum) and spots of paint. Suspect that the room was re-plastered and decorated and then carpeted.
Don't really want to strip the boards...any suggestions on the best treatment? Some boards also appear to have had worm in the past and feel very brittle (I could probably break a piece off with my fingers). Any suggestions on good source of old boards to match?
The boards appear to be covered in a mixture of plaster (looks like pink gypsum) and spots of paint. Suspect that the room was re-plastered and decorated and then carpeted.
Don't really want to strip the boards...any suggestions on the best treatment? Some boards also appear to have had worm in the past and feel very brittle (I could probably break a piece off with my fingers). Any suggestions on good source of old boards to match?