My copy of the SPAB Old House Handbook (OHH, not be confused with OH
), as recommended by Joce, has just arrived. It looks v. useful! Soon I will be an expert on old buildings. Not.
I've had a quick flick through, especially the chapter on walls. We're thinking about buying an old cob house, but unfortunately this has been rendered with cement. Removing it seems like an attractive option, but the OHH is somewhat scary on the point. It suggests that in some cases the hidden cob may have been washed away/weakened by the moisture that can no longer escape and the render could be all that is holding the roof up! Surely not? I had imagined render to be just a waterproof coating, an inch or so thick. To hold anything up it would need to be many inches thick and nobody is going to do that are. Are they? <worries>

I've had a quick flick through, especially the chapter on walls. We're thinking about buying an old cob house, but unfortunately this has been rendered with cement. Removing it seems like an attractive option, but the OHH is somewhat scary on the point. It suggests that in some cases the hidden cob may have been washed away/weakened by the moisture that can no longer escape and the render could be all that is holding the roof up! Surely not? I had imagined render to be just a waterproof coating, an inch or so thick. To hold anything up it would need to be many inches thick and nobody is going to do that are. Are they? <worries>