Sorry if this is a naive question - Im new on here
6 years ago we uncovered the original flag floor in our house which we think is about 250 years old. Its been knocked about a bit including [I reckon] the stair now go up the opposite way.
The floor, all along the wall beneath the stairs, is concrete and slightly higher than the flags. Also at the bottom of the [now] stairs are cuts in the stone wall that I think may have supported a door which would have lead under the stairs?
Is it possible that the concrete was used to fill in the cellar steps? or am I just being overly imaginitive? cant think why else the concrete would be there.
6 years ago we uncovered the original flag floor in our house which we think is about 250 years old. Its been knocked about a bit including [I reckon] the stair now go up the opposite way.
The floor, all along the wall beneath the stairs, is concrete and slightly higher than the flags. Also at the bottom of the [now] stairs are cuts in the stone wall that I think may have supported a door which would have lead under the stairs?
Is it possible that the concrete was used to fill in the cellar steps? or am I just being overly imaginitive? cant think why else the concrete would be there.