Apologies if this is a little off-topic, but ... we've just moved into a Victorian farmhouse with a two-acre garden. One acre of garden is level and not too wet. The other acre slopes down to a stream and is pretty wet, in fact down by the stream the banks are ankle-deep in mud in places, and this has been one of the driest winters and warmest springs on record! I want to put steps down to the stream at various places, and then a path along the banks of the stream so we can perambulate! And plant up bog gardens (in acid clay).
Any suggestions for (cheap) ways to make steps and paths. I'm thinking of just roughing out steps and then using tanalized boards to make the risers and maybe pavers for the treads, though I may dispense with the pavers. Not sure what to use to hold the risers in place. I can get treated stakes of course, but as soon as I cut them (wouldn't need four feet of stake!) I'm risking wet getting in. And I've never been sure that painting preservative on is that effective?
For the path alongside the stream (three hundred and fifty feet or so) I'm really not sure what to do. It's the wetness I have to contend with, otherwise I'd just put down ground membrane and cover it with shreddings. I do have some eucalyptus logs from a 70' eucalyptus tree that I had cut down, and I'm wondering about using them in places as stepping stones, possibly nailing treated chicken-wire-wrapped boards to the top of them. But they won't get me far! What to do for the rest of the way? Googling has not produced much of use
All hints and tips gratefully received!
Any suggestions for (cheap) ways to make steps and paths. I'm thinking of just roughing out steps and then using tanalized boards to make the risers and maybe pavers for the treads, though I may dispense with the pavers. Not sure what to use to hold the risers in place. I can get treated stakes of course, but as soon as I cut them (wouldn't need four feet of stake!) I'm risking wet getting in. And I've never been sure that painting preservative on is that effective?
For the path alongside the stream (three hundred and fifty feet or so) I'm really not sure what to do. It's the wetness I have to contend with, otherwise I'd just put down ground membrane and cover it with shreddings. I do have some eucalyptus logs from a 70' eucalyptus tree that I had cut down, and I'm wondering about using them in places as stepping stones, possibly nailing treated chicken-wire-wrapped boards to the top of them. But they won't get me far! What to do for the rest of the way? Googling has not produced much of use
All hints and tips gratefully received!