Indeed, and the responses on that forum are evidence that a lot of people do care, but this quote:
"It amazes me that you will get a 2 page manual for a toaster, but little more than glossy photos and a list of the appliances when you buy a house."
sums up everything we've been talking about here for years.
Philip Webb. a mate of William Morris, kept a notebook with details of the armaments stored in the Tower of London. more than 100 years ago, they both knew that government wasn't goingto take this seriously when the masses were being fed paputainment to keep them happy. I suggest everone reads "News From Nowhere", and lays in a big supply of baked beans to see us through what might be coming...
Not forgetting a gun and plenty of loo roll for your post-apocalyptic supplies. Two of the most commonly overlooked essentials... especially if laying in just baked beans to eat :shock: