Resolved a small and previously unknown issue with the back boiler on the wood burner today.
For years we have just sat in front of it, wait for the noises of the boiler getting up to temperature then get up and put the pump on. Today I finally got around to fitting a pipe thermostat to control the pump. Evening came around, get a fire going, the pressure release valve starts whistling at the back of the stove, yet the pump hasn't come on...
"Strange" thinks I, so I get up and and investigate why the thermostat hasn't triggered the pump. Flow from back boiler is stone cold... How can this be if the pressure release valve was doing its thing? Anyway, turn the thermostat right down, pump comes on, circulates the water, release valve is then happy again. Can't be the new wiring then. So...
If the flow and return pipes were completely cold, then the water isn't moving, implying that the gravity feed isn't doing anything. Hmmm. Up into the loft, header tank full of water (cold), all good. Follow the pipes, and note that the shut off valve for the down feed from the header tank is in fact shut off. :lol: :lol:
God knows how long it has been like that. Anyway, in my head that should have solved the problem - we shall see when I get the stove going again tomorrow evening if I am right. Failing that it's an airlock somewhere...
For years we have just sat in front of it, wait for the noises of the boiler getting up to temperature then get up and put the pump on. Today I finally got around to fitting a pipe thermostat to control the pump. Evening came around, get a fire going, the pressure release valve starts whistling at the back of the stove, yet the pump hasn't come on...
"Strange" thinks I, so I get up and and investigate why the thermostat hasn't triggered the pump. Flow from back boiler is stone cold... How can this be if the pressure release valve was doing its thing? Anyway, turn the thermostat right down, pump comes on, circulates the water, release valve is then happy again. Can't be the new wiring then. So...
If the flow and return pipes were completely cold, then the water isn't moving, implying that the gravity feed isn't doing anything. Hmmm. Up into the loft, header tank full of water (cold), all good. Follow the pipes, and note that the shut off valve for the down feed from the header tank is in fact shut off. :lol: :lol:
God knows how long it has been like that. Anyway, in my head that should have solved the problem - we shall see when I get the stove going again tomorrow evening if I am right. Failing that it's an airlock somewhere...