I’ve got a house built in about 1750 with some original Georgian panel doors. It was divided for a bit in the 60s/70s and two of them have asbestos board fixed to the rear aspect within a frame (with the obligatory coat hook). One is a woven panel of asbestos the other looks like AIB.
Clearly the easiest thing is take the door off, double bag and take to the tip.
The one with the board on in particular would be very difficult to replace and quite a loss to the building.
Does anyone have any experience or knowledge of getting an asbestos contractor to remove the door, remove the asbestos off site, clean and return? As far as I can find out most seem cowboys.
The complicating factor is that I watched my dad die of mesothelioma. It wasn’t very nice.
Thanks for any help in advance.
Clearly the easiest thing is take the door off, double bag and take to the tip.
The one with the board on in particular would be very difficult to replace and quite a loss to the building.
Does anyone have any experience or knowledge of getting an asbestos contractor to remove the door, remove the asbestos off site, clean and return? As far as I can find out most seem cowboys.
The complicating factor is that I watched my dad die of mesothelioma. It wasn’t very nice.
Thanks for any help in advance.