In the back of my (partially destroyed - that is another story) listed house there were some works going for the erection of a little modular building.
The problem is that during excavation and after taking off the topsoil, the contractor had found a semi circle of pits filled with what looked like charcoal.
The guy carrying out the works is a keen amateur archaeologist and mentioned they could be some remains of a previous building.
What are the options for us to take?
Is it illegal to touch anything?
In the back of my (partially destroyed - that is another story) listed house there were some works going for the erection of a little modular building.
The problem is that during excavation and after taking off the topsoil, the contractor had found a semi circle of pits filled with what looked like charcoal.
The guy carrying out the works is a keen amateur archaeologist and mentioned they could be some remains of a previous building.
What are the options for us to take?
Is it illegal to touch anything?