As people were asking for some finished pictures, I thought I would post the following. Unfortunately, our house is mainly modern (1970s) so there are no period features to show off.
Yes, that is woodchip wallpaper and lino tiles on the wall.
The washbasin and toilet are still available if anyone want to come and collect them ;-)
The airing cupboard at the back went shortly after this as well which enabled us to add about 0.5m to the bathroom and a bit to the bedroom too.
There is a state in each rooms development which is always rather depressing.
It is worth it in the end though.
I was going to list what has changed but it is easier to say that the only things that are the same are the section of floor under the bath, some of the ceiling and unfortunately, the plastic window though we did change the window sill.
The whole room was done on a tight budget but we did add some bling to the mirror...
This is the wife in her best clothes.. My tiling isn't that bad, its barrel distortion in the camera honest!
Yes, that is woodchip wallpaper and lino tiles on the wall.
The washbasin and toilet are still available if anyone want to come and collect them ;-)
The airing cupboard at the back went shortly after this as well which enabled us to add about 0.5m to the bathroom and a bit to the bedroom too.
There is a state in each rooms development which is always rather depressing.
It is worth it in the end though.
I was going to list what has changed but it is easier to say that the only things that are the same are the section of floor under the bath, some of the ceiling and unfortunately, the plastic window though we did change the window sill.
The whole room was done on a tight budget but we did add some bling to the mirror...
This is the wife in her best clothes.. My tiling isn't that bad, its barrel distortion in the camera honest!