I own a terraced Victorian ground floor flat which is suffering from rising damp in a number of rooms due to ineffective damp-proof courses and high external ground levels.
I was going to get a new damp-proof course installed. However, I have just been told about the "Hydrotek Wallguard" installation of porous ceramic tubes. The benefit being that no replastering is needed, and causes less disruption.
Has anyone heard any success stories about using this installation?
I own a terraced Victorian ground floor flat which is suffering from rising damp in a number of rooms due to ineffective damp-proof courses and high external ground levels.
I was going to get a new damp-proof course installed. However, I have just been told about the "Hydrotek Wallguard" installation of porous ceramic tubes. The benefit being that no replastering is needed, and causes less disruption.
Has anyone heard any success stories about using this installation?