PPG15 has a small note on it and Govt historic building unit has guidelines for Govt Depts - which although don't apply to LAs are about same principles.
If LA is to benefit financially from a LB demolition, Govt Office should be involved.
Back to the White Paper seminar, Ian Dungavell was one of several contributors who expressed concern with the alienating language of the White Paper: designated historic asset, he said, does not convey the love and affection that people have for their heritage. Further (albeit unconscious) support for this view can be found in Current Archaeologys commentary on the White Paper written by our Fellow Andrew Selkirk. Andrew clearly doesnt understand the difference between a HAR (Historic Asset Register; the list of designated assets, such as buildings, monuments, parks, gardens and battlefields) and a HER (Historic Environment Register; what used to be known as a Sites and Monuments Register).
But saying that is not to find fault with Andrew; on the contrary: if someone so knowledgeable is confused, then what will the public make of the White Paper? If public consultation is to work in the future, we are all going to have to try to be more lucid and to develop a new vocabulary to describe the material remains of the past and why we value them perhaps this will prove a considerably greater challenge than that of drafting a new heritage protection bill.
I see from the newsletter attached to the other end of your link that SAVE have launched a £25m bid to save Dumfries House. I'm sure when I saw it for sale in the Times on Sunday it was only £6.5m? Or is that the amount it would take to set up a proper endowment with which to gift it to the National Trust for Scotland?
I understand a major london auction house has the instruction to sell the contents. Does the £25m cover them too? Or have they already been sold? And what happened about the poor old pelmets? Were they contents or fixtures in the end?
I googled Dumfries House to find out a little more on the story, and was mildly diverted to discover the following at the bottom of my first page of hits: Someone has keen sense of irony
House Clearance In Dumfries - Touch Dumfries House Clearance Directory House Clearance In Dumfries - Touch Dumfries House Clearance Directory. ... Save on your international removal with free quotes from international movers. ...
http://www.touchlocal.com/nat/c-1039-t-7773-House+Clearance-Dumfries - 35k - Supplemental Result - Cached - Similar pages
yes, yes, I know it's no laughing matter really...........