Our first two married homes were both new properties built in the 60's. The first was a bungalow - one of four built by a small speculative builder. It was bland, but quite well built.
The second was a semi on a village estate, built by a well-known national building company. It was appallingly built, and gave me nothing but trouble during the two years that we lived there.
However, I'm quite certain that cowboy builders are an ageless phenomenon. Hopefully Penrose Towers Mk 2 will fall down before it becomes a "period property".
What do I mean, "hopefully"? It's a racing certainty!
It was a very interesting program - probably no longer available on listen again, as I think they're up for 7 days only.
Not much good to say about concrete, at least not the modern steel reinforced stuff.
And a good point was made about the speculatively built Georgian and Victorian terraced housing too, which was never intended to last for centuries. It seems to have done quite well so far, subject to appropriate maintenace like anything else.
Do you think as much of the 1960s stuff will still be around in 2206 if it's also maintained in the appropriate manner?
As far as I am concerned the 60's should be remembered only fo England winning the world cup, the Beatles and the hippies high on "weed".
Whilst I can understand the urgency for housing and the manner in which they were built( total shamble), I am not so sure that the more prominent architectural designs concepts of that period were not influenced by the same stuff the hippies smoked, lots of vague ideas and no substance.
The space program and the rush to go to the moon was not ifluenced by the race with the Russians it had to do with the buildings of the day and an attempt to leave the cheap crumblig buildings behind so the meek could inherit the Earth.