Hey all,
We are preparing to install our internal oak sill-boards into our stone window reveals. Unfortunately I had no good place to store the raw oak board stock so they sat in a humid polytunnel in their packaging for months, which has caused them to “cup” noticeably due to the relatively high moisture levels out there.
Since then, we have cut them to fit and have brought them inside to dry out and most of the cupping has subsided. However, I’m concerned that they may re-cup once installed into the reveals for a couple reasons:
1. I’m planning to bed them into some lime mortar, so they may temporarily absorb moisture from that bed of mortar.
2. The lime surrounding the window frames tends to wick moisture through from the outside during periods of driving rain from the south. Eventually the lime around the window frames dries back out but it takes a while, meaning that there will be moisture near the window sill boards during those periods.
Is there a way to mechanically restrict them from cupping (maybe with some back bracing strips or something)? Is a wooden sill board just a poor choice for an old stone house? Will the render that will seal the board into place coating the sides of the reveal be enough to hold the board flat and prevent cupping or would it likely just crumble the render that touches it?
Thanks for any thoughts.

We are preparing to install our internal oak sill-boards into our stone window reveals. Unfortunately I had no good place to store the raw oak board stock so they sat in a humid polytunnel in their packaging for months, which has caused them to “cup” noticeably due to the relatively high moisture levels out there.
Since then, we have cut them to fit and have brought them inside to dry out and most of the cupping has subsided. However, I’m concerned that they may re-cup once installed into the reveals for a couple reasons:
1. I’m planning to bed them into some lime mortar, so they may temporarily absorb moisture from that bed of mortar.
2. The lime surrounding the window frames tends to wick moisture through from the outside during periods of driving rain from the south. Eventually the lime around the window frames dries back out but it takes a while, meaning that there will be moisture near the window sill boards during those periods.
Is there a way to mechanically restrict them from cupping (maybe with some back bracing strips or something)? Is a wooden sill board just a poor choice for an old stone house? Will the render that will seal the board into place coating the sides of the reveal be enough to hold the board flat and prevent cupping or would it likely just crumble the render that touches it?
Thanks for any thoughts.